This Spiritual Work is exclusively indicated for girls and boys who do sexual programs and who need to attract many clients. Sometimes when entering a nightclub (Cabaret) you realize that a certain girl, despite being very beautiful and sensual, is there in a little corner, kind of isolated, head down and very discouraged watching her colleagues doing various programs and, no matter how much she needs it, nobody takes her to the room. This happens with several call girls around the world. The solution to revert this situation is to get the charms of this cute pigeon, which is almost never heard about. It is a Pombo-Gira closely linked to the Orisha Oxum and its name is Pombo-Gira. Here whenever we need to do this type of work for someone, it is this Pombo-Gira that we turn to. You have to have a lot of knowledge when dealing with this entity because its fundamentals are unique and exclusive. You should only deal with this Pombo-Gira who really knows its fundamentals. This Pombo-Gira receives a black garnizé chicken and a hammer in her offerings. By doing this work, the girl or boy will surely come to possess the great charms and beauty of this cute pigeon and will also always have her protection. To do this work here we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. Remembering that, like all our Spiritual Works, this one also has document guarantees or our client's money back. To apply for this job, just fill out the form correctly WhatsApp Telephone Brazil
+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


One of the saddest things we go through in this life for sure is when we end a friendship relationship. It is always very sad when we no longer have that special friend by our side that we love so much. That person who even looked like our biological brother or sister. That friend or friend who worried about you especially in the most difficult times. We usually get along very well with anyone, but there is one or the other person who becomes special in our lives. They are those people who have completely earned our trust. A good friendship certainly pleases God a lot and, without a doubt, it also pleases our orixás a lot. Through spiritual works we will be able to restore or even strengthen a great friendship. These are offerings given to the orixás of both people, so that these orixás can work in favor of these two people in the sense that they can once again become great friends (os). We do this work here based on offerings to the orixás, where the person will come to you asking you to restore the friendship. To do this work we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. Like other jobs, the results are guaranteed in a document or your money back.
+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401



You who are going through various difficulties in life such as: Lack of employment, health problems, problems in the affective area, you are unable to establish your business, nervous system touched on, you who sometimes even feel like disappearing or even dying ... know that for all of this God left the solution. Not everything is lost yet, and the solution to these problems of yours only depends on you. Through the game of buzios and, with our vast experience in the spiritual world, we can help you. Here we do a certain spiritual work that will clean your body and mind in a way that your paths will mysteriously open and from then on everything you do will be successful. Here in our day to day, maybe we don't even realize it, but many bad and negative things circulate around us. They are negative energies from envy, big eyes and all that mix of bad influences. It is for this reason that the Candomblé people are always taking care of themselves by making ebós and taking baths with specific herbs. I can assure you that, doing this spiritual work for you, you will feel like a very fulfilled person and you will feel a light body full of positive thoughts. To do this work, we charge an amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. As soon as your deposit in our account is confirmed, we will send to your e-mail a login and an access password for you to enter in your exclusive page that will be created in our site for you to follow your work here with us through audio, photos and videos of your spiritual work. On this exclusive page you will also find, among many other things, the guarantee document for your spiritual work. If you want to do this job here with us, to request this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly.
+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


This work is indicated for you who have already suffered a lot for a certain person. This person has already made you humiliate yourself, suffer a lot and even cry. Person that you've already lost many nights of sleep for her and even debt in hopes that such person would come back to you. This Work is indicated to revert this situation by making that person go through all the suffering that you went through for that person. This person will be desperate 24 hours a day, under your orders begging you to return, bursting with jealousy of you. Such a person will desperately be a real stick on your foot begging you to return the love relationship. In this case, it will be you who will make the decision whether to return to this person or not, letting him continue to suffer because of you. This person will suffer for seven consecutive years, always begging for his return. To carry out this work here, we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. As with all the Jobs we do, this Job also has document guarantees or your money back. To apply for this Job here with us, just fill out the WhatsApp form below correctly. The account for deposit or transfer will be sent to your email.
+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401



Sometimes we come across a certain beautiful, sensual, attractive, communicative woman, but whoever sees her doesn't know that she is enjoying tremendous solitude. Nobody wants her. Nobody wants her. This also happens a lot with beautiful and wonderful men, and sometimes even powerful financially speaking, but he is simply closed and does not find anyone who wants him and makes a serious commitment. This really exists and, certainly, the case is much more serious than it appears to be. I have always been very sought after by people who wanted to do work in order to open their affective paths, but on a certain date I was approached by a person who surprised me a lot. I was approached by a 25-year-old woman, light brunette, super sensual, traffic-stopping body. She came to me sad and crying. This woman asked me why, no matter how much she dresses up and does super production like: Wearing beautiful clothes, doing high makeup, she still can't find anyone who makes her any proposal for a serious relationship. I decided to throw the Búzios to find out why, since this woman is one of those people who stop traffic, as they say. To our surprise, we discovered that her former stepfather had paid for a job to close her love paths. Upon being informed of this news, I could see the hatred that was stamped on her beautiful face. She hated such a person. Therefore, if you want to close someone's paths of love so that that person can no longer be lucky in love and that person does not stay with anyone else, this is the job indicated. It is a treat that is given to the odú of birth of the person pleasing the negative side of it and, making offerings to the cute doves asking in exchange to close all the loving paths of that person and, never again allow that person to be able to have a healthy relationship. It is a very good job to close the love paths of a certain person, making it difficult for him to find a new relationship. To do this work we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. We offer the same guarantees in document. In addition, our client will have an exclusive page on our website, to be able to monitor the work here with us through audio, photos and videos of his work. To apply for this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly.
+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401



Nowadays it is very common to see a certain citizen who lives making a lot of success with the women wherever he goes. Anyone who sees him surrounded by women must always think that it's because that citizen is perhaps very rich, or it's because perhaps he's very good in bed, etc. We can say that, in fact, it is neither one thing nor the other. What really happens with certain men is that they are always preparing themselves spiritually in order to be the center of attention wherever they go. There is a certain specific spiritual work for this purpose, and the man who goes through this spiritual work becomes the woman's stud. This work consists of giving offerings first to Exu and then offering an offering to the orixá Xangô. After that, 03 specific baths will be sent to our client for this purpose, and a love patuá which our client will carry with him. To do this spiritual work, we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. As soon as your deposit in our account is confirmed, we will send to your e-mail the login and password to access your exclusive page that will be created on our website so that you can follow up your spiritual work here with us through audio, photos and videos of his spiritual work, To request this work, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly.+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401





This super spiritual work of loving lashing consists of giving offers to various spiritual entities in their respective homes. It is a work recommended for those who wish to return and have total control over the loved one, in agreement that such person will never leave their life and, always living under their orders. You will have total dominion over this person where he will do everything you say. By doing this work the loved one will walk under your orders in such a way that, even knowing that you are training him with someone else, this person will still keep a real grip on your foot. This work is divided into seven works where each day of the week they will be delivered as offerings to the orixás in different places according to the fundamentals of each orixá. On Mondays, a cut is made for Exú in the settlements and, after 9 pm, offerings are made at the female crossroads for a specific Pigeon-Gira. On Tuesday, offerings are made on a straight road to the orixá Ogum. On Wednesdays, it is made as an offering to the orixá Xangô at the top of a quarry. On Thursday, it is made as an offering to the Orisha Logun-Odé in a spring of water. On Fridays, it is made as an offering to the orixá Oxaguiã at the door of a lost church. On Saturday, offerings are made to the orixás Oxum and Xangô in a waterfall. On Sunday, offerings are made to the Ibêjis in a busy square. After doing all this, surely the person you want will already be desperately looking for you and will remain with you forever. In this work, 01 photograph of the person in charge of the work will be used, and another photograph of the person to be bewitched. The person who orders this work to be carried out must not wear dark clothes for 21 days and cannot eat pork during the same period. The results of this work will happen immediately at the end of it or at most the next day. To do this super job of loving lashing, we charge a total amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. To apply for this job here with us, just fill in the form below correctly and send it to us, To request this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly.+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401




The spiritual world can help us in many cases. Maybe we go through difficulties in certain areas of our lives, due to our pure ignorance in not believing that the good merciful Spirits can and want to help us. There are people who sometimes wait years and years for a court decision to solve a small problem most of the time. An example of this is the so-called cause of inheritance. An entire family is involved waiting for a judicial result that, many times when the final verdict comes out, some of the interested parties have already left for the afterlife, because they have already died and therefore are no longer with us. If you have any lawsuit pending in court, be it criminal, civil or inheritance, have faith and trust in our work, because we are qualified for it. Xangô is the regent orixá of justice and, a certain quality of this orixá, when treated well together with his guardian Exú, unfolds any type of legal process very quickly. To make this work complete, we charge each case its X amount. As soon as your deposit or transfer to one of our accounts is confirmed, we will send you a Login and Password immediately so that you can follow up on your work here with us through photos, audios and videos that will be posted on your exclusive page that will be created on our website. If you are interested in this job and want to apply for it, just fill out the form below correctly.+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401



Spiritual work destined to get rid of that neighbor of yours who bothers you so much and you've already done everything to avoid having to take a more advanced attitude, but there's no way: the damned neighbor keeps bothering you. The solution is to do this spiritual work then. This work consists of placing some eguns in this neighbor's house, disturbing him 24 hours a day for 17 days. On the seventeenth day, for sure if this neighbor hasn't changed yet, it will certainly change on the eighteenth day. The eguns will make you very upset, wanting to move house and sometimes even city. He will take the initiative and move away from you to a place at least 17 kilometers from your home. Usually moving is from the same city. To do this work we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. It is a work done with eguns and, the deliveries with the fundamentals as well as the offerings, everything is done in a bamboo grove. You will have your exclusive page here on the site for you to monitor your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your spiritual work. As soon as your deposit is confirmed in one of our accounts, we will send you the Login and Password for you to access your page here on the site. To apply for this job, just fill out the form below correctly, To request this job, just fill out the form correctly WhatsApp.+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401



This work consists of cleaning your body and your aura of all earthly evils, leaving you protected against all carnal and spiritual evils with your paths always open. In addition to removing from you all evil such as: Witchcraft, big eyes, envy and persecution, the effects of this work will also leave your paths always open in order to make you successful in everything. Maybe you've already spent fortunes to improve your aesthetics, Maybe you've already spent fortunes doing parties, but surely the most important thing is always to take care of your spiritual life. Going through this spiritual check up, surely all your paths will be opened and certainly all your projects will be successful. This spiritual check up will open your paths to health, it will open your paths to love, it will open your paths to business and it will certainly open your paths to prosperity. In this work we will give offerings to your Odús in order to make them always positive in your life. To do this spiritual check-up we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. We remind you that, like the other jobs we do here, this one also has its guarantees in a document. You will have the right to an exclusive page that will be created here on our website. In this exclusive page you will be able to monitor your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your work. To request this spiritual check up, just fill in the form below correctly, To request this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly.+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


If you are being a victim of spiritual works, be sure that this has a solution. You know that relationship that was going great and suddenly the fights started? due to excessive jealousy and consequently to separation? This could be a case of black magic or other spiritual works done against this couple. The best known cases of disturbances arising from spiritual works are: family fights, marriage fights, sudden job loss, addictions, forced marriage, depression and many others. All of this has a solution. This is the spiritual work called "Dismantle Works". This work will certainly clean your body of all the evils and plagues that were put to you to torment your life. This work consists of giving offerings to the Exús at 07 crossroads and 07 roads to undo all witchcraft and open your paths bringing you good health, love and prosperity. As many high-priced materials will be needed to do this work, we charge the amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. The results of this work will be gradually starting to show the results already 72 hours after the end of the work. Correctly fill in all fields of the form with the exception of the last field where you ask how do you want the job? - In this field type everything you want to happen. You will have your exclusive page here on the site for you to monitor your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your spiritual work. As soon as your deposit or transfer to our account is confirmed, we will send you the Login and Password for you to access your page here on the website..+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


This work is indicated for you who want to sell a property as soon as possible and have already made several advertisements but still cannot make the sale. It is a very good job specific to selling real estate. The results of this work are fast and, usually, the person manages to make the sale even before completing 21 days of the completion of the work. It is a work done in the foundations of Exú Barauanã, where he is given the necessary offerings so that he opens the way for such property to be sold as quickly as possible. To do this work we will need a photo of the front of said property. We guarantee 100% the results of this work or we will refund your money. To do this work here we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. Like all the work we do here, this one also has guarantees in the document. We remind you that an exclusive page will be created for you here on our website, so that you can follow up on your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your work. To request this job, just fill out the form below, To request this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly...+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401



We are in the 21st century and, in the rush of everyday life, sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves spiritually speaking because, as much as we take care of our aesthetics, our look and, sometimes we take great care of our heritage but, the main and primordial thing, we end up forgetting to care. It's very normal for us to come across a merchant out there busting sales in his shop and, right next door, his neighboring competitor with no one to help. This is because such a successful trader remembered to take care of himself spiritually with everything in his life and, mainly, he remembered to take care of his trade, because it is from that trade that he draws the sustenance of his house. A lot of people don't believe it, but there are several works aimed at opening the way to the commercial point and thus attracting many customers. This work here is indicated for those who want to leverage sales in their business and, consequently, make a lot of money.In addition to doing the main spiritual work here for our client, we will also provide many teachings to attract more and more customers to your business, whatever the field. These teachings will be available Download on the exclusive page that our client will have right here on our website. To do this work we will need a current photo of the trade and to do this work here we chargea quantia de apenas R$ 20 mil reais á vista. Lembramos que, a exemplo dos demais trabalhos espirituais que fazemos aqui, este trabalho também tem a sua garantia em documento, Para solicitar este trabalho basta preencher corretamente o formulário WhatsApp...+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401 the amount of only R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. We remind you that, like the other spiritual works we do here, this work also has its guarantee in a document,To apply for this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly...+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401



There is no greater sadness in this life than seeing a loved one of us deepened in addictions to drugs and drinks. Often, from one day to the next, a member of our family falls headlong into the world of drugs or alcohol. These people who go through these addictions pass on to society an image of happiness that, in fact, such supposed happiness never existed among addicts. It is very normal in large centers like São Paulo, Rio, Belo Horizonte and others, for us to walk through the streets of the city and come across an addict living on the streets and ragged people begging, and sometimes we tend to even come across a large group of drug and drink addicts. Unfortunately, Brazil does not have an effective policy aimed at these people. However, I don't think it would do much good either, because there are diseases that medicines cannot cure, and the overwhelming majority of these “diseases” that cause chemical dependencies have a very direct relationship with the evil spirits of black magic. These evil spirits surround this person 24 hours a day. per day and, in many cases, make their home in the body of a certain person. We can affirm biblically speaking that, in fact,there are trillions of these spirits roaming around daily looking for a body which can serve as a home. A person who gives himself body and soul to the addictions of drugs and drinks, most likely has been the victim of a work of black magic and, for this reason, no matter how much his family members struggle in search of help in medicine, the “Sick” continues in chemical dependencies. We do a certain specific spiritual work to remove chemical dependencies from these people. It's a job done using offerings given to the person's own orixás and, initially offering the offerings to the legion of evil spirits that accompanies the addict, in the sense of opening the spiritual paths so that the person's own orixá works in their favor, removing from this person all the addictions and doing a spiritual cleansing so that such person returns to social life as a new person. To make this work we are going to need the name the addict's baptismal form, the correct date of birth and a recent photo of the addicted person. To do this work, we charge the amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. We remind you that an exclusive page will be created for you to monitor your work here with us through audios, photos and videos of your spiritual work. Like the other jobs we do here, this job also has guarantees in a document. To apply for this job here with us, correctly fill out the form below, To request this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly.+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


This spiritual work consists of making the separation of a couple even if it is peacefully or even with many fights. It is a work done with Exú and its results are immediate. Any couple can separate from one hour to the next when being a victim of this work of high magic. Exú does both good and evil, depending on how he is treated and also depending on what he asks of him in exchange for offerings. It is a spiritual work often used in Quimbanda terreiros in order to separate a certain couple. This work will make the couple fight for any reason and even without reasons to fight. We advise people interested in having this work done to think carefully before paying to do it because, once this work is done, the victim couple will never get together again. Even if the couple discovers that the reason for their separation was a job done, they will still both not feel like getting back together. To do this work for someone, we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. Once your deposit is confirmed in one of our accounts, we will send the login and password to your email or whatsapp immediately so you can access your exclusive page on our website and follow your work. If you want to request this work here with us, correctly fill out the request form below. You will have your exclusive page here on the site for you to monitor your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your spiritual work. As soon as your deposit is confirmed in one of our accounts, we will send you the Login and Password for you to access your page here on the site.


SEPARATE A COUPLE couple separation

This spiritual work consists of making the separation of a couple even if it is peacefully or even with many fights. It is a work done with Exú and its results are immediate. Any couple can separate from one hour to the next when being a victim of this work of high magic. Exú does both good and evil, depending on how he is treated and also depending on what he asks of him in exchange for offerings. It is a spiritual work often used in Quimbanda terreiros in order to separate a certain couple. This work will make the couple fight for any reason and even without reasons to fight. We advise people interested in having this work done to think carefully before paying to do it because, once this work is done, the victim couple will never get together again. Even if the couple discovers that the reason for their separation was a job done, they will still both not feel like getting back together. To do this work for someone, we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. Once your deposit is confirmed in one of our accounts, we will send the login and password to your email or whatsapp immediately so you can access your exclusive page on our website and follow your work. If you want to request this work here with us, correctly fill out the request form below. You will have your exclusive page here on the site for you to monitor your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your spiritual work. As soon as your deposit is confirmed in one of our accounts, we will send you the Login and Password for you to access your page here on the site..+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


Work aimed at streamlining a particular marriage. It consists of provoking marriage desires in the part that is like "Rolling it up" and getting this person to take action so that such a marriage can happen as soon as possible. It is a spiritual work done 100% in white magic with excellent results. To make this work we will need a photo of the bride and groom together. We guarantee that the result of this work will make the person take action in a maximum of 21 days and, for sure, this wedding will take place. To do this work we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. This job has a document guarantee or your money back. If you want to apply for this job here with us, just fill in the form correctly, To request this job just fill in the form correctly WhatsApp....+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


It's very embarrassing to live next to people we don't like. Perhaps a brother-in-law, a step-son, a father-in-law or mother-in-law, a spouse in the end: It is always very bad to have to live with people who, in fact, we would like to see such a person far away from us. This work consists of taking a person out of our society and sending that person far away from us. It is a work done in the magic of the Exús and its results happen in a maximum of 21 days counting from the end of the work. Doing this work, the person will be kind of disturbed in such a way that he will start to plan trips and leave immediately. To carry out this work, we will need a photo of the victim of this work and also the person's name and date of birth. To do this work to remove people, we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. It is worth remembering that, like all the work we do here, this one also has its guarantees in a document registered in a notary or your money back. This guarantee document will be available on your exclusive page that will be created here on the site for you to follow up on your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your spiritual work. Once your deposit is confirmed in one of our accounts that will be sent to your email, we will send you the Login and Password for you to access your exclusive page here on our website. To request this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly. +55 0xx34 9 9150.2401




person get bored of the other
Few people know, but there is a certain spiritual work done along the lines of the Exús, whose effects manage to make a person sick of another person. Mainly men get sick of women or vice versa. The person will be so disgusted with the other person that he or she will even want to have sex with that person. It is an old work and often performed by leaders of terreiros who know this foundation. This work will give its results immediately, because offerings are given to three different Exús, sending them to stay on the heels of a certain couple and, in order to make one part feel disgusted by the other part. We remind you that the person in charge of this work will not have any connection with the spiritual world because, at the time of carrying out this work, the name of the person in charge will not be mentioned once. To do this work here we charge the amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. This work also has the guarantees in document. Our client will have the right to his exclusive page here on our website to be able to follow his work here with us through photos, audios and videos of his work.. +55 0xx34 9 9150.2401




You may not believe it, but in this world there are people who sometimes even have a good appearance but, despite being beautiful and communicative, they can't be lucky in love relationships. These people encounter many difficulties, especially at the time of conquest. They plan everything but, in the presence of the future other half, it seems that everything is blocked and, they cannot express anything. In the spiritual world, we see this as closed affective paths. The person, when his affective paths are closed, can wear the most beautiful clothes, use the best perfumes, can speak several languages, but even so, he will not be able to be noticed when he wants to be the main center of attention. It's even hard to believe but, with the paths of love closed, nobody wants us, not even those people who could be considered a common person. Only those who experience it know how these things are that cannot be explained with words. Discovered that the person really has their affective paths closed, the solution then is to appeal to the wungi orixá. A complete offering is then made to this orixá on a Sunday and certainly the next day our client's affective paths will already be open, where our client will be able to prove it through so many people who will approach this client of ours, through the charms that the orixá will pass to our client. To carry out this work, giving complete offerings to the orixá Wungi to open his paths of love, we charge the sum of R$ 20,000 in cash. You will have an exclusive page that will be created on our website, for you to monitor your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your work. As soon as your deposit or transfer to our account is confirmed, which will be sent to your email, we will send our client a login and password to access your exclusive page immediately. To request this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly... +55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


In the spiritual world there is no respect of persons. For the spiritual world, each one is free according to divine creation. We do here a powerful spiritual work that consists of lovingly tying together two people of the same sex. Man with man or woman with woman. This issue of homosexuality has caused a lot of controversy in recent decades and has been criticized mainly by evangelicals who, according to them, this is a thing of the devil. However, it seems that such evangelicals never read the Holy Bible, because the Bible is very clear when it reports this subject and, just to cite one of the most famous cases of homosexuality involving Biblical characters, we can cite the case of King David and his partner Jhonatan who maintained a loving relationship for many years. Many people may not even know it, but homosexuality has always existed among all living beings, both human and even among animals. For those of us who work with the spiritual world, respect for people is based on respect and we are certain that, biblically speaking, each one of us was created with free will and will be able to do what he wants here on earth. This is a very old spiritual work done in a spring and that uses a couple of rabbits to carry this foundation. This work is quite different because it is based on the omo odús of the two people in the sense of making this homosexual binding. This work is also a little different even in terms of its results because, firstly, it brings the two people together and, only in the first love encounter of these people, is that the homosexual love bonding itself takes place . After these two people are lovingly tied together, we will still have to give the offerings to Yabossí and Gimolêtá, which are the omo -odús of the odús Oxê and Iká respectively. Remember that this work works for men with men and women with women. To do this work, we charge the amount of R$ 3,000.00 (Three) thousand reais in cash. As soon as your deposit or transfer to one of our accounts is confirmed, we will send you a login and password to your email or WhatsApp so that you can access your exclusive page that will be created on our website so that you can follow up on your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your work. To apply for this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly.+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401


In the spiritual world there is no respect of persons. For the spiritual world, each one is free according to divine creation. We do here a powerful spiritual work that consists of lovingly tying together two people of the same sex. Man with man or woman with woman. This issue of homosexuality has caused a lot of controversy in recent decades and has been criticized mainly by evangelicals who, according to them, this is a thing of the devil. However, it seems that such evangelicals never read the Holy Bible, because the Bible is very clear when it reports this subject and, just to cite one of the most famous cases of homosexuality involving Biblical characters, we can cite the case of King David and his partner Jhonatan who maintained a loving relationship for many years. Many people may not even know it, but homosexuality has always existed among all living beings, both human and even among animals. For those of us who work with the spiritual world, respect for people is based on respect and we are certain that, biblically speaking, each one of us was created with free will and will be able to do what he wants here on earth. This is a very old spiritual work done in a spring and that uses a couple of rabbits to carry this foundation. This work is quite different because it is based on the omo odús of the two people in the sense of making this homosexual binding. This work is also a little different even in terms of its results because, firstly, it brings the two people together and, only in the first love encounter of these people, is that the homosexual love bonding itself takes place . After these two people are lovingly tied together, we will still have to give the offerings to Yabossí and Gimolêtá, which are the omo -odús of the odús Oxê and Iká respectively. Remember that this work works for men with men and women with women. To do this work, we charge the amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. As soon as your deposit or transfer to one of our accounts is confirmed, we will send you a login and password to your email or WhatsApp so that you can access your exclusive page that will be created on our website so that you can follow up on your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your work. To apply for this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly.


In the current days in which we live, the best thing is to remain protected by spiritual forces. In this current era in which we live, we have to beware of many situations and always remain very well protected by our orixás. All of us human beings have what we call Trinca-Odú in candomblé. This odú trinca is composed of up to 05 (Five) protective Orixás that will help us in our journey in this life until our last breath. The moment the little baby is born and when he takes his first breath, that's when the so-called guardian angel or Orisha of Orí takes possession of him. All human beings have it without exception, believe it or not. It is considered very normal for you to meet someone who came out of nowhere and, from one moment to another, become a great businessman, a great singer or even a great artist. Such a person has certainly taken care of his spiritual side in secret to get where he is. Sometimes we spend a lot of money on ballads and superfluous things without any concern. Why not invest in our spirituality. Our protective orixás, when cared for correctly, begin to protect us in all areas of our lives. This kind of offerings that I am referring to are treats that we do to them in nature in their respective domains. Each orixá commands a certain domain in nature and receives these favors in the place of the domain in which he commands. For example: If the orixá of a certain person is the orixá Ogun, we will certainly be able to bring him the preferred offerings on the roads because, as is known, most of the qualities of this orixá command the paths and roads. There are people who spend fortunes in money taking care of their aesthetics, but the main thing is that they forget to take care of, care for and take care of their spirituality in the first place. I know beautiful, rich, sensual women, the kind that stop traffic, but they're not lucky in love. She spends money on beauty products and aesthetic check-ups, but even so, she still has no luck in love and sometimes she loses her loved one to another simple woman with no material resources to take care of herself and look prettier. This is exactly where spirituality comes in. Surely this other person does not forget to take care of their protective orixás. Here we are offering you the opportunity to take care of someone who can really protect you 24 hours a day, giving you victories in your area of ​​health, love, employment, family and prosperity. Let's play the Búzios, find out who your protective orixás are and give them the respective offerings, asking them for all the best for you. This work can be done once a year, with certainty you will be 100% protected from all carnal and spiritual evils. To do this work here, giving the guarantees in the document, we charge the amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. To apply for this job, just fill out the form below correctly. Accounts for deposit or transfer will be sent to your E-mail as soon as you send the form via WhatsApp.


Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of time, but unfortunately, even though we are going through the 21st century, prejudice still exists. The bible shows us that, long before Christ, homosexuality already existed even among the most powerful kings of the earth and also among the so-called "Men of God". I cite here an example of King David and his beloved Jonathan described in the Bible (1SM 18:1-4) where a beautiful love story between these two men is narrated. There is a spiritual work capable of making a certain woman declare herself to another woman, confessing all the sexual desire she feels for her. The effects of this work will make the bewitched person feel such a great sexual desire for the person in charge of this work that, no longer resisting such a desire, he will personally declare everything he feels. Sexual desire is a practically uncontrollable act and has the power to raise a person's self-esteem when he achieves his intentions. Here we do this job and guarantee your results very quickly and with 100% absolute secrecy. Like the other spiritual works we do here, this one also has its guarantees in a document. To do this work here, we charge the amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. To apply for this job here with us,To apply for this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly.


If you are going through various difficulties in life such as: Lack of employment, health problems, problems in the affective area, you are unable to establish your business, nervous system touched on, you who sometimes even feel like disappearing or even dying ; Know that for all of this God left the solution. Not everything is lost yet, and the solution to these problems of yours only depends on you. Through the Búzios game and with our vast experience in the spiritual world, we can help you. Here we do a certain spiritual work that will clean your body and mind in a certain way, your paths will mysteriously open and, from then on, everything you do will be successful. Here in our day to day, maybe we don't even realize it, but many bad and negative things circulate around us. They are negative energies from envy, big eyes and all that mix of bad influences. It is for this reason that the Candomblé people are always taking care of themselves by making ebós and taking baths with specific herbs. I can assure you that, doing this spiritual work for you here, you will feel like a very accomplished person and you will feel a light body full of positive thoughts. This spiritual work is always done in our Candomblé terreiro, but recipes will be sent to you for 03 specific baths for you to do and take this bath right there in your house. To do this work, we charge an amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. as soon as it stays confirmed your deposit or transfer to our account, we will send to your e-mail a login and an access password for you to enter in your exclusive page that will be created in our site for you to follow your work here with us through audio , photos and videos of his spiritual work . On this exclusive page you will also find, among many other things, the guarantee document for your spiritual work, in which it will be recorded that, if you are not 100% satisfied within 21 days of the end of the work, we insist on refunding the amount paid in full. If you are interested in doing this work here with us, just fill out the form below. We ask that you please: Only complete and send us the application form if you really want to do the job. We are very busy and we will not allow bad jokes. If you really want to request this spiritual work of ours, feel free. We will be happy to help you, To apply for this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly.




This Work is indicated for couples who feel that the relationship is a little worn out and, even feeling that there are feelings on both sides, they observe that the horniness of strong sexual desires is missing. It is indicated for couples who want to put into practice some sexual fantasies from the man to the woman or vice versa. Whatever the desired sexual fantasies are, it can certainly happen in a good way with the effects of this Spiritual Work. Do you feel desire to see your woman in bed with another man? with another woman? Do you want to see your man in bed with another woman? Whatever your sexual fantasy with your partner is, it will surely come true with the effects of this Work. Like the other jobs we do here, this one also has document guarantees or your money back. To do this Spiritual Work we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. You will have the right to your exclusive page that will be created here on our website, so you can follow up on your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your work. To apply for this work, simply fill out the form below correctly.



This Work is aimed at those couples who love each other very much but live on a war footing with constant fights and separations. There are couples who are madly in love with each other, having many feelings, but for any small reason, they already feel strange to each other and, then, the fights begin and, consequently, the separation. This is happening more and more often and obviously the relationship is wearing down even more with each passing day. If you are going through this situation, know that your relationship may be experiencing spiritual interference through envy, big eyes and may even be suffering interference from witchcraft through work done. If you are going through this situation, we advise you to hire this job and finally live a nice, happy and pleasant relationship in all its essence. In this work, offerings are offered to the Odús of the couple to make positive the negative side of each of them. The effects of this work will slow down jealousy, envy, gossip and, mainly, all the negative forces that are disturbing your love relationship. To do this Spiritual Work to preserve your relationship, we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. We remind you that, like all the Spiritual Works we do here, this Work also has document guarantees or your money back. We only want for ourselves what is earned with dignity. To apply for this Job, To apply for this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly.


Many of the entrepreneurs and businessmen in general are sometimes puzzled to try to leverage their sales and make more sales than their competitors and, thus, their company to gain more customers. Many times they spend even fortunes in money advertising, but in fact the problem may be in the company itself, spiritually speaking. This occurs because such a company may be a victim of Spiritual Work to alienate customers. There are several specific ebos for this purpose. That is why it would be good for such an entrepreneur to look for a Babalorixá or a Yalorixá to do a spiritual consultation and see what is actually preventing such a company from taking off. Knowing why your company is experiencing difficulties in sales and seeing your main competitor succeed. In this consultation, the entrepreneur will be guided to make some decisions in the spiritual field. But if your company is going through this, the best thing is to do this Spiritual Work here, because if they have done some kind of witchcraft against your company, this work will surely break down and even make your sales take off. This work is already starting to give results 72 hours after the end of the work and this is guaranteed in a document. Our client will have an exclusive page of his here on our website to follow with us his spiritual work through photos, audios and videos of his work here with us. To do this work here we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. To apply for this job, just fill out the form below correctly,To request this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly.


success in business

This work consists of bringing balance to those people who, no matter how much they work almost daytime, do not see success in their businesses. As much as they seek marketing strategies, success in their business still does not appear. When this happens to someone, it's because something wrong spiritually speaking is happening. It may be that such a person is being the victim of some kind of witchcraft, it may be that such trade is being the victim of some certain work of witchcraft such as burning for example and there are many reasons why such a person cannot achieve success in their business. This work exists specifically for this purpose. If you are having this problem of not achieving success in your business, this is the most suitable spiritual work. It is a work done 100% in white magic and you and your family will have no connection with the spiritual world. To do this work here we charge the amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. To request this spiritual work here with us, just fill out the request form below correctly.




It is very common for you to enter a certain nightclub and, despite seeing many beautiful and sensual girls, you notice a kind of sadness in all of them, and especially in the owner. The reason for this sad discouragement is the lack of customers to spend money and make profits for everyone there. Believe me: It's no use for a club to be luxurious, to have beautiful girls if such a club is not spiritually clean. One of the main reasons for the failure of certain nightclubs is undoubtedly competition. Nightclub owners in their greed to earn a lot of money look for spiritual priests to do magic work to ruin the competing nightclub and thus attract more customers to their nightclub. It is common that the owner of the nightclub who is being victimized by magic for not believing, stands watching his business sinking and his competitor laughing for nothing from making so much money. If you are the owner of a nightclub or nightclub and you are going through all of the aforementioned, you can be sure that this spiritual work here will undoubtedly be the solution for you to leverage your business again. In order to carry out this work here, in addition to the cuts for the Exús in their respective settlements here in our terreiro, we also sent some instructions for our client, who owns the nightclub to be cleaned, to do it there in his nightclub. These are simple things to do and anyone can do them. We guarantee in a document 100% of the results of this work or money refunded in full. By contracting this work here with us, our client will have an exclusive page of his here on our website, so that our client can follow up on his work here with us through photos, audios and videos of his work. To do this work we charge the amount of R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. If you want to apply for this job,To apply for this job just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly.





There are 16 main Odús where each one is multiplied by 16 Omo-Odús thus making a total of 256 Odús including the Omo-Odús. Each of us has our own Odú. The word "ODÚ" means paths, destiny. It is your odú who will dictate your destiny from the time you are born until the time you take your last breath and leave for another life. We will be able to make changes in our destinies by giving the necessary offerings to our odú and, in this way, always leaving it on the positive side, bringing only good things and much prosperity to our lives. Each odú has its two sides. The positive side where it will only bring us good things and the negative side that, in fact, it will move away from us and, consequently, our paths are closed and no matter how much we fight with intelligence, nothing we do in this life will be successful. That's why it's important to leave our odú always positive. This is done through specific offerings to that particular odu once each year. We will be taking care of your Odú here in a special corner in our Terreiro de Candomblé and, whenever necessary, we will be alerting you of possible dangers, as well as all the information that your Odú wants to pass on to you. To take care of your odú here, leaving it always positive, we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. We guarantee you will be successful in everything you do or your money back. We also remind you that we guarantee 100% absolute secrecy. To request this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly.




If you are a woman and you want to become the center of men's attention everywhere you go, this job here is for you. It is a foundation of Oxum Karê that will allow you to have many charms, beauty and sensuality that, surely, every man who looks at you will feel many desires and will approach you in the sense of trying to conquer you. For it to work, you must follow exactly what you will be taught to do in this zipped folder that you can download to your computer or cell phone. We guarantee your money back if this mandinga does not work after completing 8 (Eight) hours in which you have done everything correctly as taught. You can't go wrong because the zipped folder will have photos and explanatory texts in a very clear and simple way. The effects of this mandinga will change your life in terms of the success you will have with men. This mandinga will work the same day it is made or your money back. Click the button below to download the file and, to unzip and open the folder, you will need a password. We will send you this password as soon as your payment is confirmed. If payment is made via PIX, the password will be sent at the same time. This work costs R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. We are absolutely sure that you will be very happy after doing what we teach you in this mandinga. We remind you that you must put your real data in the form below, because this mandinga will not be useful for any other woman, only for you according to the data you put in the form. To apply for this job, just fill out the WhatsApp form correctly.


push away person

It's very embarrassing to live next to people we don't like. Perhaps a brother-in-law, a step-son, a father-in-law or mother-in-law, a spouse in the end: It is always very bad to have to live with people who, in fact, we would like to see such a person far away from us. This work consists of taking a person out of our society and sending that person far away from us. It is a work done in the magic of the Exús and its results happen in a maximum of 21 days counting from the end of the work. Doing this work, the person will be kind of disturbed in such a way that he will start to plan trips and leave immediately. To carry out this work, we will need a photo of the victim of this work and also the person's name and date of birth. To do this work to remove people, we charge R$ 20,000 in cash. It is worth remembering that, like all the work we do here, this one also has its guarantees in a document registered in a notary or your money back. This guarantee document will be available on your exclusive page that will be created here on the site for you to monitor your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your spiritual work. As soon as your deposit is confirmed in one of our accounts that will be sent to your email, we will send you the Login and Password for you to access your exclusive page here on our website



Global Presence



The Spiritual Works the surgeries for each Work from end to end golden scalpel, whether for loving binding, pact, onshore or offshore, which usually take place in isolated high-risk locations, requires a high level of expertise and this King of voodoo has to spare.




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